We use novel data models to timely detect and support people at risk of chronic liver disease.

We will soon release our first solutions. Reach out to get a demo or early access.


Data-driven risk stratification in primary care.

We are about to release our most advanced data model to date that will ensure timely detection of people with chronic liver disease in primary care.

Reach out if you want to know more or are interested in getting early access.

  • State-of-the-art risk stratification accuracy
  • Directly compatible with existing healthcare workflow and systems
  • Optimised to detect liver fibrosis (F2, F3 and F4) and avoid over-diagnosing
  • Significant cost-savings from optimised patient pathways
  • Provision of actionable insights and recommendations
  • Designed specifically for primary care clinicians

Automated assessment of refferals at specialised clinics.

Liver specialists are a key resource to our healthcare system, especially due to the rise in chronic liver disease. Our automation solution will lead to a more effective use of specialised resources and ensure that time is spent on the people that need them the most.

Reach out if you want to know more or if you are interested in getting early access.

  • Automated assessment of new referrals
  • Directly compatible with existing healthcare systems
  • Removal of redundant liver referrals (healthy people)
  • Configurable threshold for specific disease stage -  F2, F3, F4
  • Instructions for outplacement of low-risk individuals to primary care
Product Portfolio

Our suite of digital products fills a crucial gap in the diagnostic and management of Chronic Liver Disease.


LiverPRO is our flagship product. It is a clinical decision support tool that enable accurate and timely detection of high-risk individuals for Advanced Fatty Liver Disease.

Target group
Mainly Primary Care Clinicians

Regulatory certification
In process (IVDR Class B - CE-certification)

Integration specification
BioChemistry LIMS System

Not yet available. However, get access to Beta version. (get early access)

To be revealed

... however for the curious, we are developing a solution that bring cater directly for individuals at risk. More on this later.

To be revealed

... in parallel with LiverPRO we are creating exploring a concept that will support in democratising Specialist Liver Expertise to all Clinicians.
It is not yet ready for the world, but reach out if you’re too curious and want early access to our Beta-version.

Product metrics

We are pacing to get our first flagship product certified, and are already experiencing great traction.


pilots with centralized integration and regional reach.


tested patients as part of pilot implementations.


patients have been part of our validation study - including individuals from multiple countries.


IP agreements on state-of-the-art and clinical validated data models.


Our clinical validated data models illustrate a significantly improved accuracy compared to today’s common practice.

We are using ensemble learning to combine strong mathematical models/algorithms - including Machine Learning - with high-quality health data when developing and refining our data models. Our data models originate from state-of-the-art research and are developed on golden standard outcome data (liver biopsy) and validated in multiple large and diverse background cohorts.

Technology details
Developed on Liver Biopsy data.

High quality data is key to great data models. That is also why our prediction model is solely trained on Liver Biopsy outcome data. Liver Biopsies represents the Golden Standard within Liver Diagnostics.

Ensemble (Machine) Learning.

Our accurate prediction models are based on a combination of various mathematical models and learning algorithms.

Tested for biasy.

A data model is never better than the data is trained on. Having clinical implementation at our core, our prediction models are validated in large background cohorts that represent our actual usecases.

Doing things differently

We provide accurate and actionable insights where it matters the most.

Clinically validated technology and need.

Our technology is built on more than a decade of clinical liver research and our data models are validated in various cohorts with thousands of patients. We have, as clinicians and researchers, experienced the pains of both patients and their families first-hand.

Combined, this gives us a state-of-the-art performance while creating real impact for both at-risk people and clinicians .

We design for disease prevention.

Early detection gives people the chance to change course. Our solutions target at-risk people before it is too late and provide clinicians with actionable insights to support them in time. We’re changing the paradigm towards prevention rather than treating complications when it is too late to save lives.

We make data actionable and accessible.

We provide clinicians with actionable data insights and specific clinical recommendations that fit their workflow. We give access to specialised liver knowledge where it is not present today and ensure that at-risk people get the proper care.

We piggyback on what works to ease adoption and scalability.

Our solutions are directly compatible with existing healthcare information systems and test practices. This is key to ease the adoption and ensure value creation from day one.

Placing our software on top of the existing test infrastructure means that clinicians instantly can use our solutions during existing patient touchpoints without changing their workflow. This ensures scalability and accelerates the time to impact.

Fatty Liver Disease in a nutshell

Our solutions are designed to overcome the challenge of Fatty Liver Disease.

A ticking bomb that doesn’t tick.

The biggest challenge with Fatty Liver Disease is that it is hidden and people are typically unaware they have it. Since our livers have no nerves we don’t “feel it”. Therefore you only develop ‘symptoms’, or more accurately severe complications, when you are at the end-stage, called Cirrhosis.

Most people have lived with the disease for 15-30 years before reaching the end-stage.


Stores fat for days of scarcity.

A core evolutionary trait of the liver is to store fat to be available to us when food is scarce as a life-saving device. Unfortunately, more recent trends of obesity, type 2-diabetes and extensive alcohol intake have turned this life-saving ability into a serious and growing challenge.

In contrast with other organs, our livers store fat inside its cells (hepatocytes). Fat build-up in the liver eventually causes ballooning and liver cells burst. This kick-starts the stages of Fatty Liver Disease including inflammation (NASH), liver scarring (fibrosis) and finally fatal Cirrhosis.


500 vital functions we cannot live without.

There is little public awareness about the liver and it is rarely a part of our general concern for health and wellbeing – a huge mistake! The liver is one of the most important organs since its core job is to control digestion, blood glucose levels, production of proteins, clotting factors in the blood, control of the immune system, detoxification of drugs and alcohol, energy storage, control of cholesterol levels and production of bile for digestion.

The liver affects all other organs in the human body. Without it, our brain goes into a coma, our kidneys shut down, our intestines swell, our heart pumps poorly and our lungs won’t give enough oxygen to our blood. We cannot live without a liver.


The complications are fatal.

At end-stage Cirrhosis, your liver is mainly scar tissue - a stiff lump with little-to-no functionality. This state has critical implications for your body’s ability to stay alive with the most common complications being:

  • ascites – a progressive accumulation of fluid in the abdomen

  • variceal bleeding – an acute rupture of varicose veins along the esophagus, often with severe blood loss and fatal outcomes

  • hepatic encephalopathy (liver coma) – when the liver fails to remove ammonia from the bloodstream leaving a person in a comatose condition

Fatty Liver Disease in a nutshell

Our solutions are desgined to overcome the challenge of fatty liver disease.

Here is 4 facts about fatty liver disease to better understand the challenge we are facing.

A ticking bomb that doesn’t tick.
The biggest challenge with Fatty Liver Disease is that it is hidden and people are typically unaware they have it. Since our livers have no nerves we don’t “feel it”. Therefore you only develop ‘symptoms’, or more accurately severe complications, when you are at the end-stage, called Cirrhosis.

Most people have lived with the disease for 15-30 years before reaching the end-stage.
Stores fat for days of scarcity.
A core evolutionary trait of the liver is to store fat to be available to us when food is scarce as a life-saving device. Unfortunately, more recent trends of obesity, type 2-diabetes and extensive alcohol intake have turned this life-saving ability into a serious and growing challenge.

In contrast with other organs, our livers store fat inside its cells (hepatocytes). Fat build-up in the liver eventually causes ballooning and liver cells burst. This kick-starts the stages of Fatty Liver Disease including inflammation (NASH), liver scarring (fibrosis) and finally fatal Cirrhosis.
500 vital functions we cannot live without.
There is little public awareness about the liver and it is rarely a part of our general concern for health and wellbeing – a huge mistake! The liver is one of the most important organs since its core job is to control digestion, blood glucose levels, production of proteins, clotting factors in the blood, control of the immune system, detoxification of drugs and alcohol, energy storage, control of cholesterol levels and production of bile for digestion.

The liver affects all other organs in the human body. Without it, our brain goes into a coma, our kidneys shut down, our intestines swell, our heart pumps poorly and our lungs won’t give enough oxygen to our blood. We cannot live without a liver.
The complications are fatal.

At end-stage Cirrhosis, your liver is mainly scar tissue - a stiff lump with little-to-no functionality. This state has critical implications for your body’s ability to stay alive with the most common complications being:

  • ascites – a progressive accumulation of fluid in the abdomen

  • variceal bleeding – an acute rupture of varicose veins along the esophagus, often with severe blood loss and fatal outcomes

  • hepatic encephalopathy (liver coma) – when the liver fails to remove ammonia from the bloodstream leaving a person in a comatose condition