Background & ambition

We give people with chronic liver disease a chance to change course before it is too late.
Something that is not given today.

Evido is founded and anchored in state-of-the-art clinical research where the suffering from untimely diagnosis of chronic liver disease sparked the urge to do more. We want to help an enormous group of at-risk people that are not getting the support they deserve. A group that is unaware of the risk they are facing and the fatal implication if their disease continues to progress.

Our common goal is to change the paradigm around chronic liver disease and timely detect and help at-risk people.

The team

Meet the team.

We are a group of liver specialists, data-geeks, healthcare innovators, software nerds and venture builders. All passionate about improving the care of chronic liver disease.

Taus Holtug
CEO & cofounder
Katrine Prier Lindvig, MD
MD, CSO and Cofounder
Maja Thiele, MD, Ph.d.
Scientific Cofounder and Board Member @evido.
Professor of Hepatology at Center for Liver Research, Odense University Hospital and Board Member at ‘Alkohol & Samfund’.

Aleksander Krag, MD, Ph.d., MBA
Scientific Cofounder and Board Member @evido.
Vice President at the European Association of the Study of the Liver (EASL). Professor of Hepatology and Director at the Center for Liver Research, Odense University Hospital.
Jan Ankjær Jensen
Board Member @evido.
Partner @People Ventures
Jens Kristian Damsgaard
Chair of Board @evido.
Managing Partner @Science Ventures Denmark

We are supported by great partners that share our passion and ambition.

Values and beliefs

We follow six principles to help people with chronic liver disease.

All people deserve a fair chance.

Fatty Liver Disease is a hidden disease that only reveals symptoms when you reach the end-stage. With more than one billion people at risk and no accurate tools to detect the disease, most patients go undiagnosed until it is too late. We have the means to alter this and seek to provide all people with a fair chance to change their course before it is too late.

Provisioning specialised knowledge where it is needed.

Today, our healthcare systems are designed as a funnel, where access to specialised care is reserved for the most critical patients to ensure an efficient use of specialised competences.

This works in most cases but for Fatty Liver Disease the funnel is broken. It is challenged by poor prediction tools and a large risk population that does not show any symptoms before it is too late.

We believe in democratising knowledge to ensure actionable insights at the first point of contact. We want to empower clinicians to act in time and manage at-risk individuals.

Breaking the stigma of 'liver disease'.

Liver disease is, by most, associated with extensive alcohol consumption. Few are aware that this is not the whole truth. Alcohol is one out of three core risk factors, with the two others being obesity and type 2-diabetes.

It is a core part of our mission to educate both clinicians and at-risk people to be aware of the liver, its function and risks. Our solutions need to promote this dialogue when and where it matters the most.

Evidence-based at its core.

Evido originates from an elite research center that specialises in liver disease. The scientific and evidence based approach is part of our DNA. All we do is scientifically anchored and the effects are validated and documented. We build solutions that we are proud of putting into the hands of healthcare professionals and patients.

Building solutions with people.

Healthcare systems are complex and vary across countries. That is why we always seek close collaboration with local stakeholders and users to build solutions that create real value and fit the environment.

This is at the core of all our development.

Better use of existing healthcare data.

Millions of ‘standard’ biomarkers are taken everyday in the healthcare systems. Each of them representing only a little piece of a bigger puzzle when assessed separately.

We harvest the unlocked potential of combining the clues from standard biomarkers to make accurate and affordable solutions that utilise existing data. It keeps the implementation barrier low and ensure better use of our resources.